Saturday, March 22, 2008

Harsh Realities!!

Wow this year has been a doosy so far! At points I didn't think I could possibly survive. What had I done to deserve to hit rock bottom?! Well thats just the way life is sometimes i've come to conclude. It's never fair and it's not always fun. But I'm finally ok with that. I can't keep blaming things on other people and trying to avoid the real issues. I have allowed the negatives to take control of my life but I'm ready to pull out of it!!!

There are so many good things in my life that I am ashamed to admit that I have been taking advantage of them. I have two of the best friends in the world! I don't know what I would do without Lacey and Ashleigh! They have quietly put up with my ridiculis nonsense for so long but last night it was time for a rude awakening!(ok so they were never really quiet bout anything, but last night they almost had to scream in my face!)

I hate that more than letting myself done these past few months I have let them down. They have been there to pull me up off the floor, rub my back and make me laugh. I love them for all they have done for me, but more than that I love them for their harsh wake up call! I have been selfish but because of them and their faith in me I know that I will be ok but only if I stick with what I HAVE to do!!


Lacey said...

I love you Jess! Sorry for the "rude awakening" but you know me... not much for tact. I think you are amazing and you really can do this. Just remember your potential and how amazing you are because you just havent found what you deserve..yet. FREAKIN love you! SO glad you got a blog!

Lacey said...
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